Would You Rather Breathe Fresh Air or Clean Air?


I’ll bet most people would say Clean Air! But, not so fast!

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American spends 93% of their life indoors.


Clean air is great, but fresh air is truly another story….Fresh air cleans our lungs. We may cough as our lungs are getting rid of the impurities that we breathe daily. But when we’re breathing fresh air we begin to breathe deeper and deeper which brings more oxygen to our cells. The increased oxygen brings with it increased energy to do the things we need to do. More oxygen brings greater clarity to the brain, which needs twenty percent of our body’s oxygen to function. We can think better than we could before.


More fresh air in, helps improve our breathing technique. Better technique increases stamina. More oxygen to the muscles reduces that lactic acid build-up in the muscles which leads to cramping. Fresh air produces a healthy mind, clean lungs, and a calmer constitution when we actively use it.
Fresh Air has been described as a “wonder drug” that saves lives, treats dozens of diseases and has no harmful side-effects.   In 1840, surgeon George Bodington noted that those who worked in the open air—farmers, plowmen, shepherds—were generally free of TB, while those who spent much of their time indoors seemed more susceptible to it. Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) became famous for her innovations in nursing while caring for British soldiers injured during the Crimean War. She asked: “Do you ever go into the bed-rooms of any persons . . . at night, or before the windows are opened in the morning, and ever find the air anything but unwholesomely close and foul?” She recommended that the air in a patient’s room be kept as fresh as the outside air, but without chilling the patient. She added: “It is the unqualified result of all my experience with the sick, that second only to their need of fresh air is their need of light.


Science has progressed since the 1800’s, yet modern studies have reached similar conclusions. For instance, a 2011 study in China found that crowded college dormitories with a low rate of ventilation are “associated with more respiratory infections.” The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that natural ventilation, which includes fresh air flowing through a building, is important for infection control.

The most urgent of our natural needs

Without air, man dies. Air is the most vital element for man and animals. One may live for weeks without food, or for days without water, but deprived of air he will perish within minutes.

Millions of people suffer from a wide variety of ailments that are partly caused by an insufficient supply of oxygen. The problem is that most people do not breathe correctly, and this continually weakens their health, their happiness, and their hold on life itself. One of the finest statements written on the importance of air are these words penned by an outstanding health educator:

“In order to have good blood, we must breathe well. Full, deep inspirations of fresh air, which fill the lungs with oxygen, purify the blood. They impart to it a bright color and send it—a life-giving current—to every part of the body.

“Air is the free blessing of Heaven, calculated to electrify the whole system. Without it the system will be filled with disease, and become dormant, languid, feeble.”–1 Testimonies, p. 701.

The life-giving air around us is a most precious blessing from Heaven. On the last day of Creation Week, God created man. Having formed him from the dust of the ground, Adam lay before his Maker inert and lifeless—until he was vitalized by the breath of life. And moment by moment, you and I must have fresh air also.

“Fresh air will prove far more beneficial to sick persons than medicine, and is far more essential to them than their food . . Thousands have died for want of pure water and fresh air, who might have lived.”–Counsels on Health, p. 55.

H.E. Kirschner, M.D., said this:

“I am also in full agreement with Dr. Philip Welsh, who declares: `Any form of treatment—any program of health which does not give full and due consideration to the first essential of life—fresh air—will absolutely fail to get the best results—yes, this one question of supplying the body with fresh air is important enough to determine the difference between health and sickness—between life and death!’

Here is a list of important health benefits of fresh air:

  • Fresh air is good for digestion.
  • Improves your blood pressure and heart rate.
  • It makes you happier.
  • Strengthens your immune system.
  • Fresh air cleans your lungs.
  • You will have more energy and a sharper mind.

6 important health benefits of fresh air

Fresh air is good for digestion

Fresh air helps you to digest food more effectively. That is why it’s great to take a small walk outside after you eat. From all the health benefits of fresh air, this one is really important if you are trying to lose weight.

Improves your blood pressure and heart rate

If you have a problem with blood pressure, you should avoid polluted environments and try to stay in surroundings that have a good supply of fresh air. Dirty environment forces the body to work harder, to get the amount of oxygen it needs.

Fresh air makes you happier

The amount of serotonin is affected by the amount of oxygen you inhale. Serotonin can significantly lighten your mood and promote a sense of happiness and well-being. Fresh air will leave you feeling more refreshed and relaxed.

Strengthens your immune system

White blood cells kill and fight bacteria and germs. They need enough oxygen to work and function properly.

Fresh air cleans your lungs

Fresh air helps the airways of your lungs to dilate more fully and improves the cleansing action of your lungs. When you exhale and breathe out through your lungs, you release airborne toxins from your body.

You will have more energy and sharper mind

Fresh air helps you to think better and increases your energy level. Your brain needs twenty percent of your body’s oxygen. More oxygen brings greater clarity to the brain, improves your concentration, helps you to think more clearly and has a positive effect on your energy level.
So the question is this: Since by all accounts, we spend more than 90% of our time indoors, how do we get the fresh air we need?


One very good way is to bring Fresh Air inside! How do we do that and keep our homes warm in winter and cool in summer? The answer is with AirRestore!


AirRestore is an Air Naturalizer. This small, 4½” tall device energizes and naturalizes indoor air. This device uses ionization, UV light and electricity to give air the energy and purity that nature does using the sun, wind and moisture.

Outside air is not totally clean of impurities. But it is healthy because it has ENERGY!  AirRestore takes the surrounding air, energizes it in the same way Mother Nature does and emits it into our indoor environment. It does NOT rely on filters to attempt to take things out of the air. Filters do NOT work. First, they are not capable of removing the ultrafine particles that are the most harmful from the air. Second, they become clogged with the large particles and simply block the passage of air through the filter, preventing them from removing anything. Also, what they can filter when new, they are only able to filter the air passing through the filter to begin with and consequently can only deal with small areas, usually around 300 square feet.


AirRestore is an ACTIVE system which sends “scrubber” ions out to cause particles to clump together and fall out of the air. In addition, to removing odors and particulates from the air, it actually kills germs on surfaces such as counter tops, door knobs, etc.  Each small unit effects up to 800 square feet.  A Whole Home System consists of four (4) small units which together will energize and naturalize the air in a 3200 square foot home or office.


To learn more about AirRestore, please visit https://www.greenhealthtechnologies.com/product/%E2%80%A2airrestore-air-naturalizer-whole-home-system/


AirRestore is available in a variety of configurations. To see these options and other healthy green products please visit the Green Health Technologies page at https://www.greenhealthtechnologies.com/products/

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