Is Your Home or Office Killing You?

Indoor Air Pollution More Dangerous than Outdoors

And according to the EPA pollution levels in your home or office  may be up 100 times higher than outdoors!

Imagine how this could impact innocent Americans. As a nation we spend as much as 90% of our time indoors.

We are struggling to breathe and don’t even know it. Our bodies are starved for pure, clean air!

There are actually various sources of pollution that have a negative effect on air quality, many of which are found in our homes and offices.

And doctors, the CDC, and other experts agree… dirty air inside millions of American homes/offices is a problem.

It’s credited with “stirring up” life-threatening diseases like asthma, COPD, chronic pneumonia, emphysema – even lung cancer.

Every Breath Could Be Making You Sick And You May Not Even Know It

Have you or someone you love ever suffered from these symptoms?

  • Headaches, fatigue, tightness in your chest…
  • Wheezing or coughing fits…
  • A mess of cold symptoms you just can’t shake…
  • Anxiety, depression or insomnia…
  • Allergies that don’t go away…

These are the signs of a real-life nightmare: Invisible toxins in the air of your home. The one place where you should always feel safe.

Smoke, fungal spores and chemicals used in certain paints, varnishes and cleaners have been shown to be harmful to human health, yet according to a study published by journal Science of the Total Environment, indoor air quality is not as well understood as pollution outdoors.

Sick Bed Syndrome: Dust mites and germs causing your medical symptoms?

According to home hygiene expert Dr. Lisa Ackerley, you are not the only one who is enjoying your bed, and this fact is probably making you sick.

It is called Sick Bed Syndrome, and it is caused by the millions of dust mites that are found in the average bed.  These mites don’t cause any specific harm directly, but their droppings and body fragments can cause colds and exacerbate existing conditions, like asthma and hay fever.  Since they enjoy warm, moist environments, the bed is the perfect spot because insulated homes tend to have no drafts and have higher humidity.

Dust mites also reproduce and it is estimated that there will eventually be about ten million of them per bed in two years.  10 percent of your pillow weight will be made up of mite parts and feces.

And even a little smudge of surface dust can act as a haven for bugs like dust mites. They love the stuff.

If you’re familiar with dust mites then you’ll know that they feed on the skin cells and dander in “dust.”

And that they leave behind a fecal product that wreaks havoc on people with allergies and asthma.

You can just imagine your lungs rasping trying to rid themselves of bug poop!

You can even catch an intestinal parasite like pin worms just by inhaling their eggs.

And if you think that’s bad, wait until you hear about what cleaning and building supplies do to your body.

The Air In Your Home Is So Disgusting… You’ll Want To Choke!  (In Fact, You May Be Doing Just That!)

There are serious reasons to be concerned about the quality of the air you breathe.

Inhaling filthy air won’t just hurt your health. It can put a real dent in your quality of life, too.

How would you feel missing work, church or family time because you’re sick? Or because you can’t “catch your breath?”

Imagine sitting on the sidelines while you watch life pass you by. You’d feel depressed and alone.

All because your air is not clean and fresh.

According to a study from Environmental Health Sciences, your home’s air could have 500 different pollutants in it.

Being inside is making you stupid: Indoor air impacts brain function

A study has found that normal levels of indoor air pollution is making us stupid.  Published in the Journal Environmental Health Perspectives, the study found that normal levels of indoor carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds negatively impact human thinking function and decision making.  These chemicals can be found everywhere, from plastics and newspapers to ceiling tiles and vinyl floors.


“Walking into a modern building can sometimes be compared to placing your head inside a plastic bag that is filled with toxic fumes.”
J. Bower, Founder, Healthy House Institute

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) found in household cleaners, cosmetics, carpet and paint. They cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, lung and eye problems, to name just a few.A study by Harvard School for Public Health found that VOCs impact cognitive function and decision making. In other words, these chemicals are making us dumber!


  • Fecal Bacteria: When you “flush,” clouds of fecal bacteria can emerge from your toilet, traveling by air and waiting for an opportunity to take up residence in your airways

You can see how airborne contaminants can wreak havoc on your health.

That’s why these scary facts recently made the news:

  • More than 2 million Americans over 65 have asthma.
  • 82% of those diagnosed with lung cancer are aged 60 and over.
  • Pneumonia is the fourth leading cause of death in American seniors.
  • COPD accounts for one-fifth of all hospitalizations for people over 75.

And if you’ve got a weakened immune system, simple problems can easily become full-blown infections.

You don’t have to be a genius to see a problem here.

So What’s The Answer?

Right about now, you’re probably wondering… how do you make sure the air in your home is dependably pure and safe?

Well, I’m about to reveal to you how a breakthrough new device can clean up the most polluted air and remove the most “stubborn” particles and odors.

Before that, I want you to picture something…

Imagine you’re at home, sitting down to a hot breakfast and the morning newspaper.  You open the paper and inhale a deep breath of air, ready to take on whatever the day brings.  You feel full of energy and vigor, because you had a good night’s sleep.

In fact, you slept like a baby, because the solution I’m talking about uses technology to energize indoor air to make it act like outdoor air! If you have ever been camping you probably remember how well you slept, and how energized you felt when you awakened after sleeping in nature.  That’s because in nature, the sun acts in concert with the naturally occurring compounds and moisture in the air to energize and clean the air.  When that happens you feel better, sleep better, and feel more energized and alert.  In addition, this also neutralizes harmful particulates and germs in the air.

Imagine how good that deep breath will feel. Like the air you’d find in pristine wilderness – crisp, refreshing, and reinvigorating.

And imagine what it’s like to…

  • Wake up each morning able to take that first deep breath without coughing…
  • Walk or bike without getting winded, because you breathe healthy air every day…
  • Keep up with your grandkids and have energy for more…
  • Travel or to be “out and about for hours” at a time – no resting to “catch your breath…”
  • Feel the pleasure of “better health with every breath” as your immune system kicks into high gear…

The AirRestore Air Naturalizer™ available from Green Health Technologies is your ticket to having a vibrant and active life by offering you the ability to breathe Clean, energized, healthy air.

The Air Naturalizer is not an Air Purifier.  The Air Naturalizer uses Mother Nature’s natural processes without chemicals and filters to create at Fresh-Air Indoors!  It uses no chemicals to cover up odors and has no filters to replace!

How it works

  • The Air Naturalizer takes a small sample of the indoor air (dead/stale air) and uses a plasma field to manufacture hyper oxides, hydrogen peroxide,  hydroxyls  and other combustibles to energize a portion of the sample.
  • The fan pushes a small cloud of charged partials out toward the ionic engine, which creates an ionic wave.  The combination of ions and energized particles fill the indoor space (800 square feet per unit) with a wave/cloud of healthy energy that excites all of the elements/pollutants that it comes in contact with molecule by molecule.
  • The indoor air now has all the components that outdoor air has to create the Fresh-Air naturally.

Do you want to put aside a higher quality of life because dirty air in your home holds you back?   You don’t have to put it off any longer.  Get an Air Naturalizer system for your home or office now.  You owe it to yourself and family or employees.  You won’t regret your decision, you will feel better, breathe better, sleep better and be more energized and alert.  In addition your health will be positively impacted because your immune system will function better when you are not breathing in all those dangerous chemicals, and pollutants.  In addition, the unit removes odors from your air and even kills germs and bacteria on surfaces!

 New AR_WHS_Flexibility-System_REG

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