Could the Answer to Good Health be Found in a Glass of Water?

Alkaline Water Benefits from Green Health Technologies

Let us show you how to enjoy all the

“Benefits of Alkaline Water”


In this time when there seems to be a new pill for everything in life — AND a list of “possible side effects” to go with each one, the prudent thing to do is to PREVENT bad health to begin with.

One of the best ways to do that is to eat an alkaline rich diet consisting of fruits and green vegetables, limit your meat intake and Drink Plenty of Water!  The American Medical Association says that “more than 70% of Americans suffer from some degree of chronic dehydration”.  When we are dehydrated we are much more prone to disease.  So the answer is water?  How much? That depends on your body size. Experts say you should drink one half (½) of your body weight (in ounces) each day.  For example, if you weigh 130 lbs. you should drink at least 65 ounces of water each day.  Okay, What kind of water?  What do you mean, “what kind of water”?  Water is water, right?  N0!!! Not all water is created equal.  City tap water is full of harmful chemicals and impurities.  Bottled water is highly acidic, it is delivered in plastic bottles which not only leach chemicals into the water, but is more expensive than gasoline! In addition, those plastic bottles are NOT Bio-degradable and they pollute our landfills and our watersheds!  Both Tap Water and Bottled water have large molecule structures which make it very hard to hydrate at the cellular level so a lot of it simply “passes through” your body.

So what kind of water should you be drinking?  The answer is ionized Alkaline Water! Why? Because it helps to get your body into a slightly alkaline state.  To be at optimal health, your body needs to be pH balanced at a level between 7.3 – 7.4 on the pH scale.  Disease thrives in an acidic environment and cannot live in an alkaline environment. A pH of 7.0 is considered neutral; anything below that is ACIDIC. i.e. disease fostering.

Alkaline Water Benefits

There are many benefits of alkaline water, which is also called ionized water, a few are:

  • The ionization process restructures the water into small clusters of 5-6 molecules as opposed to clusters of 12-15 molecules found in tap or bottled water.  This allows hydration at the cellular level.  That means you are better hydrated and, therefore, better able to fight off disease.
  • An Alkaline Water Ionizer produces many levels of alkaline water, generally from about 8.5 up to 10.0 or higher.  This helps your body keep you alkalized.  As we age, the natural alkaline buffers in our bodies weaken.  Doctors also say the majority of Americans, in addition to being chronically dehydrated, suffer from varying levels of acidosis. Dehydration and acidosis go hand-in-hand.  This provides a “nursery” for disease and illness.
  • Another benefit of Alkaline water is that it is high in antioxidants. This is especially important because our western diets, in addition to being highly acidic, create an abundance of free radicals which cause disease and premature aging.  Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals.  You might say that in addition to boosting your immune system, drinking alkaline water is like having a “fountain of youth”. People who regularly drink alkaline water age much more slowly.

There is a group of people in the high mountain region where Pakistan and India meet called the Hunza (pronounced Hoon-za) people. They have been documented to routinely live to between 120 – 145 years old.  In addition, they are extremely healthy and fit.  Disease is virtually unknown to them.  They live in an extremely rugged area yet show no signs of slowing down even at age 100.  It is not uncommon for 90 year old men to father children.  Hunza women, at 80, often look like they are in their 40’s and have very youthful complexions.  Researchers have been studying their longevity since just after WWII.  They have concluded that the likely key factor is their alkaline diet and the fact that they only drink water from the mountain glaciers, which is naturally alkaline and ionized.  As a result of these studies, the Japanese started using alkaline water in hospitals to treat illness.  Here in the U.S. the FDA prohibits claiming that alkaline water can cure anything, however there are many, many anecdotal cases reported from both physicians and patients of amazing reversals of medical conditions when alkaline water was introduced into the daily routine.


Get fresh alkalized water right in your home!  Learn more benefits of drinking ionized alkaline water every day.  Visit and see how easy it is to get an alkaline water ionizer at an affordable price.  Check the product tab for a selection of alkaline water ionizers.   It will be the best health investment you will make for yourself and your family.  Get yours TODAY!

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